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心裡忐忑了好久,不知道是否應該訂這個月的beauty box.

I have been thinking back and forth if I should continue buying the beauty box. So far, the performance of beauty box fluctuates a lot and sometimes leads to disappointment.


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看到網上的人把1412月的beauty box 彈到一文不值心想, beauty box 應該會在1月放些好東西去吸引人繼續買.



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外國一早都已經有BEAUTY BOX 概念即是付一定費用,之後可以得到一個BOX PRODUCT. 由於事先不會知道BOX 內的東西到底是甚麼,所以每次都有一種拆禮物的心情!

I believe its well known about the beauty box concept. For Look Fantastics beauty box, you are able to receive a box of goodies for 15GBP. However, it is limited choice of beauty box in Hong Kong. Look Fantastics seems a good choice.


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